Gibberellic acid
C19H22O6 MW 346.37 CAS:77-06-5
Assay……………..≥90% gibberellin A3 basis (of total gibberellins)
Solubility…………….solubilized in ethanol
Sterilization………….autoclaved or filtration
Final concentration….0.01-5.0mg/l
1mg/ml 赤霉素溶液 10ml
取10mg 粉末溶于2ml 无水乙醇中,沉淀溶解后缓慢加入灭菌水至10 ml,0.22μm滤膜抽滤后-20℃贮存。

说明:GA can be initially dissolved in ethanol in 50mg/ml, diluted with water(this may require heating in a water bath for complete solubility.) and stored at 2-8° C. GA can be coautoclaved with other media components.
1g 40元
5g 160元